Workshop @ Social Media Week NY
I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to present at Social Media Week NY yesterday, and to inquire into the practical applications of mindfulness, with Carline Modarressy-Tehrani, from Huffington Post Live. We discussed the theme of the conference: Re-imagining Human Connectivity, and explored ways in which we can balance our busy technology-fueled lifestyles with easy flow-states and mindful awareness. The key is to start practicing now - at every turn - ask yourself if you can you bring awareness to your subjective experience? Noticing and without judgment embracing what you find. Perhaps you will identify that as you notice and accept your current experience, it will begin to change. This practice of curious self-observation, over time goes from being a fleeting state to becoming a trait. At some point, we may discover that we've grown more self-aware and as a result, also more aware of others. Some call this empathy. In any case, it is a good place to be.
Attention is like sunshine. Whatever you pay attention to grows.