Retreat: Into the Heart of Dharamsala, India
12:00 AM00:00

Retreat: Into the Heart of Dharamsala, India

All accommodations, meals and gratuities:
You'll feel right at home at Norbu House, a Tibetan hotel with one of the most spectacular views in town and convenience to both the main square and the Dalai Lama Temple complex. We will dine in restaurants intentionally selected to include the best views and the most authentic local food. And don't forget the extraordinary cafe culture! We will make sure afternoon tea/cottee is an experience to remember!

All ground transportation, including transfers to and from Kangra airport:
Travel in comfort and with confidence! . No need to worry about foreign currency or tipping as we will take care of all expenses with our trusted and professional drivers

An immersive experience of the Tibetan Buddhist Culture of Wisdom and Compassion:
We have you covered for all admission fees and donations to sites of interest! We will visit monasteries, nunneries, cultural centers, museums and will be staying just a 5 minute walk from the Dalai Lama Temple which is open to the public daily. On the final day, we will get to attend a special Long Life Puja (devotional ceremony) for HHDL in preparation for the celebration of his 90th birthday a week later. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience! While we cannot predict the full schedule of offerings at this time, we will ensure that you don't miss out on any special happenings during your stay! There is also the possibility of an in-person blessing from the Dalai Lama himself

Sacred Himalayan energy:
Trek in the Himalayas, dip your feet in a mountain stream at the base of a waterfall, have a picnic on a tea plantation, and walk the scenic circumambulation path surrounding the temple and residence of HHDL. Sunrise and sunset viewing spots abound and we will be sure to surround you daily with the beauty of this sacred region

Spiritual teachings:
Learn from Buddhist Lamas (teachers) with dharma talks based on ancient wisdom and the path to true happiness and liberation.

Community connection and group reflection:
Anahita and Carol Anne will guide you in daily meditation, journaling exercises, and sharing circles which will help you explore deeper layers of self awareness and gain tools for experiencing more peace and joy in your daily life. A pre-journey virtual group session and post-journey follow up and integration session will also be included to maximize your lasting experience.

Health and Wellness, Tibetan style:
Tibetan medicine is one of the world's oldest known medical traditions. Experience a pulse diagnostics evaluation by a doctor of Tibetan medicine and choose one therapeutic service such as a Tibetan medicinal massage, herbal bath or steam therapy

Blessings and love:
Every participant will receive gifts that have been blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Not included:
Airfare, travel insurance, visa tees, alcoholic beverages, meals it you venture out on your own,
and any costs associated with layovers in Delhi
**Additional optional tour of Delhi and the Taj Mahal will be arranged through a trusted guide
tor anyone who wants to explore this wonder or the world while in India

$2795 USD Single Occupancy
$2295 USD Double Occupancy (per person)
$500 deposit to secure your spot!

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10:00 AM10:00

Keynote in German: In Balance bleiben – Arbeit und Gesundheit

DOAG Conference Nurnberg

Die DOAG Konferenz + Ausstellung ist die führende Konferenz mit Fokus auf Oracle-Technologien im deutschsprachigen Raum. Mit ihrer langjährigen Tradition und ihrem tiefen Verständnis für moderne Informationstechnologie unterstützt unsere Community Entwickler, Administratoren und technische Entscheider dabei, ihren Beruf in unserer agilen Welt erfolgreich zu meistern. Für einen optimalen Erfahrungsaustausch ihrer Teilnehmer behandelt die Weiterbildungsplattform deshalb auch verwandte Technologien, Open-Source, aktuelle Trends und Methoden sowie Softskills-Themen.

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12:30 PM12:30

Keynote @ Masters & Robots Conference (virtual)

Talk Title:

Mind of an Intelligent Leader

Talk Abstract:

We are subject to a lot of habitual thinking. That doesn’t make us really happy. In fact, it keeps us in these kinds of ongoing inner dialogues that just make us more and more disconnected from ourselves and let alone from other people. The more we can have an understanding of the mechanics of mind and how mind works and mind is not separate from feelings and emotion. The more we can have an understanding of how it all works for oneself or ourselves individually, the more we can perhaps began to change it. Leadership awareness is not a choice but necessity… and a huge opportunity for the business and for them as leaders. How can we change the story we’ve learned in the corporate world on what is the success? A purpose orientation that redefines the prioritization of company stakeholders (Company as a live organism) Interconnectivity, bravery, authenticity (honesty) and empathy Call to action: how as leaders we can help to make the world happier?

CEO Discussion

Improve the way the world is led.

Co-created with Russell Reynolds Associates

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to Oct 9

Masters & Robots Warsaw, Poland

Anahita Moghaddam

Founder at Neural Beings, Global CEOs Coach

Talk Title: 

Leadership in a Disruptive Age 

Talk Abstract: 

The greatest achievement in our disruptive age is to disrupt the inner filter of negativity. Our habit is to focus externally, feeding the compulsion for bigger, better, faster innovation and growth. We run towards an idea of a future with a massive blindspot; the role of our own minds in the work we do, the technologies we invent, the companies we create and the relationships we foster. We rarely remember to question our own worldview and challenge our perception, inquiring into the nature of our subjective experience and the impact that it may have on our actions. True leadership in a disruptive age is a leadership that not only addresses external issues, but is also courageous and aware enough to address the need for mental change, individually, interpersonally and globally. Genuine leadership begins with self-leadership, which requires deep self-awareness.

A self-aware leader, committed to ongoing personal development, is fundamental to an organization’s success. These leaders stand at the cutting-edge of social and cultural evolution. They are adaptable, curious and self-reflective, possessing the courage to go beyond the rational mind, able to question their own logic and embrace different points of view. Their leadership vision is informed by an understanding of interdependence – the intricate relationships that form the basis of our world.

Able to discern between leading and being led, they are aware of their inner resources and can replenish these self-sufficiently. Self-aware leaders establish a sense of safety, trust and loyalty among their teams and staff, encouraging collaboration and inclusivity. Aware of their impact on others, evolving leaders are committed to an ongoing path of self-reflection and mind training, creating cultures of positivity and growth around them.


Talk Title with Mo Gawdat: 

Rules for Building a Positive Organization

Talk Abstract:

A positive organization consists of individuals with positive minds. When individuals feel safe, valued and clear about the guiding principles of the organizations they work for, they are more likely to be happy, creative and motivated. In a positively inspired organization, values are clearly defined and communicated. Values inform the smallest details ranging from the choice of toilet paper to executive decision making. Leadership act as role models and embody the values of the organization, encouraging their teams to do the same. Aware of its place in the ecosystem of the world, a positive organization takes responsibility to positively contribute to society and the environment, creating a virtuous feedback loop. 


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to Sep 26

BOMA Germany - Exponential Summit

The changes ahead are perhaps the most dramatic in human history and not only revolve around technology, but sociopolitical, geopolitical, climate-related and economic changes. How can companies, organizations and institutions adapt and thrive in a future that looks nothing like the past? How can we as individuals, leaders and employees prosper in this transformation?

Join us at our Boma Germany Exponential Summit in September 2019 and learn about exponential technologies and its impact on business and society as a whole.

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6:30 PM18:30

AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS with Mo Gawdat & Anahita Moghaddam - London, UK

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How can we be happier and help create a happier society?

At this special event, Mo Gawdat and Anahita Moghaddam will look at how our identities and relationships shape our world. And they'll share practical ideas that we can all use to live more wisely.

* Identity: How can we move beyond polarising views about identity and gender to encourage more love, empathy and compassion?

* Relationships: How can we cultivate healthier, happier and deeper relationships with our loved ones and others in our lives?

* Work: How can we find more happiness at work and create workplaces where people can thrive, collaborate and be at their best?

* Authenticity: How can we live in a way which promotes more authentic happiness for ourselves and others too?

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6:00 PM18:00

Wisdom of the Feminine Principle @ Neue House NYC

With its fast and competitive feel, lack of natural space, and focus on individualism, NYC is a challenging place to flourish as a woman. It’s a city that makes it easy to respond to these environs by habituating disconnection from ourselves and others. 

Based in Eastern traditions of contemplation, as well as psychology, neuroscience and philosophy, Anahita Moghaddam will coach us into reclaiming our latent feminine essence by redirecting our mental energies.

Stoking our wisdom, playfulness, and sensuality is the set-up for self-ownership and reinvention. 

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5:00 PM17:00

Singularity University NYC : Women in Space @ Columbia University NYC

Celebrating exponential Women around the world and beyond focused on solving our global grand challenges using technological innovation that has a 10X impact. The event will be held at Columbia University. 


Columbia University
International Affairs Building, Room 802
420 West 118th Street New York NY 10027

 Friday, 29 March, 5 PM - 7 PM

 Space is limited to 40 people so please respond ASAP if you'd like to participate.


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10:00 AM10:00

NYC / Solve for Happy: Becoming an Awakened Leader for the Modern Age



In the age of exponential technological advancement that is shaping the ways we connect, govern our society and operate our businesses, it is essential to fine-tune our channels, deeply understand our minds and connect to the true nature of our being. 

Join us to reset your system to a default state of peace and happiness, explore what it means to be an awakened leader in the modern age and learn how to powerfully guide the future of humanity. 

This immersive day retreat will be led by celebrated writer and speaker Mo Gawdat, the former Chief Business Officer of Google X (Google’s Moonshot Factory) and author of Solve for Happy, and Anahita Moghaddam, leadership coach and the founder of Neural Beings. 

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7:00 PM19:00

London / Women, the Workplace and Happiness with Mo Gawdat & Anahita Moghaddam

Event page

Our dominant workplace culture is one that prioritizes and rewards patriarchal values. Often women learn to adapt and over-compensate, at the expense of their happiness and wellbeing, or passively accept supporting roles, sacrificing fulfillment and the opportunity to truly excel. This vicious cycle, not only takes its toll on women, but also on the overall success of organisations and the world at large.

For the past seven years, Mo Gawdat (Chief Business Officer at Google [X]) has been on a mission to make 1 billion people happier. His book, Solve for Happy argues that if we shape expectations to acknowledge the full range of possible events, unhappiness is on its way to being defeated. Mo will be joined by Anahita Moghaddam, a NYC-based coach and organizational trainer whose methodology draws on Contemplative Science, and together they will explore the reality faced by women in the workplace today, offering personal insights and applicable tools from their individual fields of research, to gradually reverse the cycle of disconnect and unhappiness. What would define the experience of women in the workplace if values were not compromised, and self-knowledge and deep-self awareness became unwavering guiding principles?

Applying these principles to the specific challenges faced by women in the workplace is the focus on this compelling and instructive session.


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to Oct 29

Aix-en-Provence / Positive Innovation Retreat at The Camp


Positive Innovation" retreat at thecamp, discussing innovation for positive impact, scaling innovation globally on the model of innovation labs like Google, boosting innovation through happiness and shaping the future of work through the mindful organisation... A very rich and inspirational 2-day retreat with an amazing group coming from all over the world. Thank you Véronique Christmann, Carlien Cavens, Jef Cavens, Hassan Kadbi, Sandrine Boucher, Vincent Wermus, Isaac Garza, Anke Hampel, Caroline Vignollet, Maelle Beltas, Julie Benasra. Let's do it again! hashtag#positiveinnovation hashtag#positivebusiness hashtag#positiveorganization hashtag#happiness hashtag#mindfulness hashtag#futureofwork hashtag#PositiveSolutionsAgency

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1:00 PM13:00

NYC / Northside Festival: Engineering Tools for Spreading Happiness


Mo, is the former Chief Business Officer of Google X, and the author of Solve For Happy (translated into 28 languages). Mo’s mission was triggered after losing his son, Ali, due to a surgical error during a routine operation in 2014. In honor of Ali, Mo made it his life’s mission to share his engineering-model of happiness with the world.

His recent project,, is dedicated to spreading the message of happiness to a scientifically-minded, young, modern and global audience.

Both Mo and Anahita lead workshops around the world, speak at conferences, and bring their insights into organizations at the forefront of innovation, technology and finance.

Anahita's company, Neural Beings, is rooted in Buddhist psychology and modern science, and offers a contemplative perspective to the topic of happiness. Her workshops are based on the Four Noble Truths, explained through the lens of modern science. She has brought the teachings of the Four Noble Truths to Wall Street firms and technology conferences, leveraging Mo’s platform, which he generously shares with her. Anahita also serve as Chief Mindfulness and Ethical Officer at a New York-based technology and investment firm.

Individually, and as a couple, Mo and Anahita dedicate their lives to alleviating suffering and spreading the tools for happiness.

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7:30 PM19:30

NYC / Future of Humanity with Deepak Chopra, Mo Gawdat & Anahita Moghaddam


The speed of technological advancement has led to rapid globalization and the transformation of how people interact with the world. While technology has vastly improved digital connectivity and scientific breakthroughs, it has simultaneously created an illusion of the separate self, which in effect has been pushing our species and planet to the brink of collapse.

As Mo Gawdat emphasizes in his mission to make #OneBillionHappy, "1 of 4 people in the world is clinically depressed and teen suicide is at an all time high. Life expectancy is better, but we’ve never been unhappier". With technology such as AI, will the human race face extinction or evolve to peacefully co-exist with each other and the natural world? Is it possible to leverage exponential technology to advance happiness?

During this discussion moderated by Peace Accelerators co-founder Susanna Choe, we’ll be evaluating human evolution through the lens of the engineering, science and spirituality with Mo GawdatAnahita Mogdhaddam and Deepak Chopra.

About the Speakers:

Deepak Chopra, M.D., F.A.C.P.  is the co-founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, the founder of the Chopra Foundation, and a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. He is board certified in internal medicine, endocrinology, and metabolism. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and a clinical professor in the Family Medicine and Public Health Department at the University of California, San Diego.

Mo Gawdat is the author of Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy, an international bestseller translated in 28 languages. After working for IBM and Microsoft, he landed a job at Google and helped start the platform in more than 50 emerging markets across the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. He then joined Google [x] as chief business officer and lived at the cutting edge of technology. He left Google [x] in February 2018 to dedicate the rest of his life and resources to his mission #onebillionhappy.

Anahita Moghaddam is the founder of Neural Beings, and a coach and speaker who’s rigorous and experiential methodology is rooted in the Eastern contemplative traditions, and continuously refined under the mentorship of leading scientists and academics in the fields of psychology, philosophy, neuroscience and biology. 

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NYC / The Awakening Mind: The Contemplative Science of Happiness
7:30 PM19:30

NYC / The Awakening Mind: The Contemplative Science of Happiness


The pursuit of happiness is one thing we all share in common. Yet if we all so fundamentally want to be happy, why aren't we? Why does happiness seem so challenging to achieve and maintain throughout our lives?

Take a dive into your mind in this interactive discussion on the science of happiness, explained within the frameworks of Tibetan Buddhist psychology and neuroscience. Beginning with a guided meditation and evolving into a talk and guided discussion, we will take a realistic look at the nature of the mind, and explore practices that help us cultivate mental resources to gradually reverse the wheel of suffering, making compassion, kindness and joy a spontaneous and lasting trait.


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